Career IQ 's Podcast
Career IQ- un programa den cual bo host nan, Kareline v.d Linden y Darice Solognier, dos Millennial cu un pasion pa crecemento y desaroyo personal, conhuntamente cu invitadonan special, lo ofrecebo conseho profesional y practico pa asina bo crece, avansa bo carea,y disfruta di e bida cu abo ta desea.
Career IQ 's Podcast
Medical Career & Prevention - Dr. Julian Torres Rivas - Radiotherapeut Oncoloog
Kareline V/D Linden & Darice Solognier
In this episode we talk to Dr. Julian Torres Rivas on his career, background, and also prevention tips.
we'll learn about his journey in getting into Oncology and career learnings. The path towards success is not always a straight.
Get some tips on what we can do to be healthier and help prevent cancer including exercise, nutrition and habits.