Career IQ 's Podcast
Career IQ- un programa den cual bo host nan, Kareline v.d Linden y Darice Solognier, dos Millennial cu un pasion pa crecemento y desaroyo personal, conhuntamente cu invitadonan special, lo ofrecebo conseho profesional y practico pa asina bo crece, avansa bo carea,y disfruta di e bida cu abo ta desea.
154 episodes
Building a career in media - Erin Croes
Den e episodio aki Erin ta comparti cu nos su trajectoria den e mundo di media cu mas di 35 aña di experiencia. Erin ta comparti tipsnan valioso pa mejora den bo carera, e importancia di consistencia, y ta un hende reliable y cumpli cu bo palab...

Building Resilience - Sjeidy Feliciano
Den e episodio aki Sjeidy ta conta nos di su experiencia y carera, con e ta adapta na retonan dificil, y lesnan clave cu a convirtie den un persona mas resiliente!

Equality & Inclusivity in the workplace - Bruce Ponson & Lydianne Croes
Den e episodio aki Bruce Ponson y Lydianne Croes di Fundacion Orguyo Aruba ta comparti cu nos informacion di Fundacion Orguyo y nan meta principal, y ta comparti algun tips di con pa crea un cultura unda tin inclusividad y igualdad.

All about insurance - Cefrenne & Pauline Arendsz
Den e episodio aki Pauline y Cefrenne ta conta nos di tur cos cu bo mester sa over di seguro pa Negoshi pero tambe riba base personal.Nan ta comparti e beneficio di cumpra via un broker, y differente tips riba maneha bo negoshi y mane...

Building a sustainable business - Tyson Lopez
On this episode Tyson explains the definition of sustainability and gives us tips on building a more sustainable business, and tips on what you can do at home to be more sustainable.

Finding Joy in work - Marielle Lacle
In this episode, hosts Kareline & Darysse talk to Marielle about finding joy in work.How a career switch made her experience complete fulfillment and to remember that it's never too late to pursue what you are really passionate about.&n...

Embracing career growth - Noemi Tromp
Den e episodio aki Noemi ta conta nos di su trayectoria den su carera cuminsando den e departamento di activities , y creciendo te awe den e posicion di Marketing Manager. Noemi ta share cu nos tips , y tambe pasonan clave cu a yude de...

Climbing the corporate ladder - Rachel Maduro
In this episode we talk to managing partner at Grant Thornton Aruba , Rachel Maduro. Rachel shares her career journey with us , attributes that contributed to her success and shares tips on what you can do to encourage growth in you...

Managing a personal brand - Rocco Franken & Buddy Love
Den e episodio aki nos ta papia cu Rocco y Buddy riba maneja nan marca personal , e obstaculonan cu nan ta encontra y tambe tips pa esnan cu kier sigui un carera den wowo publico .

Living a live through fashion - Glenda De Vries
On this episode we talk to Glenda De Vries who has a extensive career in the fashion industry in the Netherlands where she worked in different aspects of the fashion industry.Glenda shares with us her experience, the importance of being cur...

Growth through personal development - Milouska Briezen
Riba e episodio aki nos ta papia cu Milouska Briezen Director of Sales & Marketing riba su carera y con dedicacion na crecemento personal a jude den su carera.

Launching a succesful online business
Tune in as we talk to Steven de Cuba on tips and tricks to launching a successful business.

The importance of well-being at work - Sabrina Sonensein
Tune in as we talk to psychologist Sabrina Sonensein on the importance of well-being at work, the importance of self-love and how it affects every aspect of life and work-life balance.

The Journey to authenticity "Living with Purpose" - Nicole Godett - Empowerment Queen
Den e episodio aki Nicole ta conta nos di su experiencia bibando un bida autentico y identificando su proposito. Nicole ta duna nos algun tips di con pa yega mas serca di bo proposito.
Season 9

Seizing growth opportunities - Giliany Oduber
Den e episodio aki nos ta conversa cu Gilliany riba su carera profesional , crecemento personal y professional. Tambe Gilliany ta duna tips di con pa tuma probecho di opportunidadnan cu ta presenta.
Season 9

Creative Industries - Thais Franken - MSc lecturer & PHD Candidate
Den e episodio aki nos ta conversa cu Thais riba e industria creativo na Aruba , e importancia di e industria aki , con Aruba lo por desaroya e sector aki su experiencia den e carera academico, y tambe un poco di resultado di su research....

Managing workplace stress - Audrey Kan - Clinical Psychologist
Stress di trabao ta affecta nos tur na un momento of otro. Scucha nos conversacion cu Audrey unda e ta splika acute stress y chronic stress, y con pa maneja esaki miho. - Con pa identifica si bo ta sufri di stress cronico ...
Season 9
Episode 13

Entrepreneurship with Alex Cybul -VacationAruba.com
Den e episodio aki nos ta papia cu Alex Cybul fundador di VacationAruba.com cu ta specialisa den Vacation Home Rentals. Alex ta conta nos di su experiencia como entrepeneur y ta duna algun tips pa esnan cu tambe kier cuminsa cu nan pro...
Season 9
Episode 12

Let's talk about environmental research - Tatiana Becker
On this episode we talk to Tatiana and Suejin on environmental research and their project of surfside science. Learn more about the importance of research and data for strategic decision making and learn about their ongoing project at ...

Learning from fear to step into growth - Mingly Chung
Fear often stops us from getting out of our comfort zone. Tune in as we talk to Mingly Chung on learning from fear, and get ready to step into growht!

Leadership & change management - Herrick Henriquez
In this episode we talk to Herrick on the topic of leadership and change management. Herrick explains what change management is how we can better embrace change and tips to manage as a leader.

Eye Health & Entrepreneurship - Stephanie Thiel, Optometrist and Orthoptist
Tune in as we talk to Stephanie Thiel on her career journey , the challenges of entrepreneurship, finding balance and important tips for your eye health.

Medical Career & Prevention - Dr. Julian Torres Rivas - Radiotherapeut Oncoloog
In this episode we talk to Dr. Julian Torres Rivas on his career, background, and also prevention tips. we'll learn about his journey in getting into Oncology and career learnings. The path towards success is not always a straight.&nbs...