Career IQ 's Podcast
Career IQ- un programa den cual bo host nan, Kareline v.d Linden y Darice Solognier, dos Millennial cu un pasion pa crecemento y desaroyo personal, conhuntamente cu invitadonan special, lo ofrecebo conseho profesional y practico pa asina bo crece, avansa bo carea,y disfruta di e bida cu abo ta desea.
Career IQ 's Podcast
Living a live through fashion - Glenda De Vries
Kareline V/D Linden & Darice Solognier
On this episode we talk to Glenda De Vries who has a extensive career in the fashion industry in the Netherlands where she worked in different aspects of the fashion industry.
Glenda shares with us her experience, the importance of being curious and living a live with passion and many tips on how to Excel in your career!